Lorena is taking Financial Accounting from Linn-Benton Community college, but the class is in Bexel Hall at Oregon State. That is the main business college building there where I took many of my classes. At any rate she is feeling like quite the college coed these days. She is going to take Managerial Accounting next term and her last math class during spring term. At this rate, she will have here Associate Degree in a couple of years. I am quite proud of her. She started out in very remedial English and has taken all of her English and writing classes except Technical Report writing.

I am very much looking forward to the latest version of Ubuntu (5.10) to come out. The prerelease version is already available, but I am going to wait for the release version due to my current massive work load. When it arrives, I want to get the new computer for which we have been planning to go along with it. This time, I am going to set the machine up only for homeschool. We are currently running Fedore Core 4, but Ubuntu just appears to be getting better and better.

Homeschool has been going pretty well lately. The kids have been enjoying their vocabulary program, “Wordly Wise”, but I think we will try to find a different one next year because of some fairly obnoxious left wing political correctness in parts of the material. It would really be OK to a certain extent, but a lot of it does not even appear to be based in reality. At any rate, Kelly and I talk about it. She is pretty good at spotting the nonsense, but it is such a waste of time to have to deal with that kind of thing.