Yesterday, the kids had a very busy day. They got a little bit of a late start, so all they got done before they went to their swimming lesson was their piano practice. We are at about week twenty in their thirty-six week homeschool year. That means they are a little ahead of schedule. I want to get ahead by about one week more so that we can accommodate their three week trip to Mexico in June to be out of town during the hay fever season. If we gain the additional week, they will be able to both take our skiing /museum field trip to Bend for a week and a week of spring break with the government school kids in the neighborhood.

Our friend Al Rizo called last night to confirm that he and his homeschooled family of adopted kids will be driving up from San Diego to spend the week with us in Bend. We are very excited about them coming. Michele and Al have two boys, Anthony and Nathan, who are in their first year of homeschooling and it sounds like they are doing great. Their homeschool program is a different than the one we use. We are doing one called Sonlight combined with Singapore Math , RealScience-4-Kids, Easy Grammar, along with a couple other smaller items. Al and Michele have gone with a Classical Education approach described in The Well Trained Mind by Susan Wise Bauer and Jessie Wise combined with Ray’s Math. We are excited to compare notes with them as our children are about the same age and we have been homeschooling for about the same amount of time.