"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: January 23, 2005

About ME

This is my first entry for my blog. My name is Christian. I like science. I live at ### and my full name is ### To contact me ###. Due to safety violations/security, I am not allowed to state anything that will allow you to hack into our computer and make us look like we are doing something against the law. I am a homeschool student in the third grade. To go to my dads company website, and get some deals on awesome millwork products click HERE. This does count sas my weekly wepage articles.

Lunch at the Nelsons

I am currently at the home of Tony and Martha Nelson typing on their computer. They have invited us over for lunch at their house. We just got back from church. Mrs. Nelson is my Mother’s cousin and Mr. Nelson goes to our church. Mrs. Nelson made me an adorable purse out of Caprisun fruit juice packs. This entry does not count as one of my weekly entries. I will introduce myself in a later entry.

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