Christian started into the second half of the fifth grade math program this week. He seems to be doing well with it. It will be interesting to see how he does when we get to some of the story problems that require logic that is not as obvious as some of the previous work he has done. At this rate, we should be through fifth grade this year. There is really a good chance that he will get started into the sixth grade math program before the year is out. Kelly will finish the entire primary math program today or tomorrow, so we will be moving into Junior High School Math toward the end of the week. I want to get them through the calculas at home and then have them take it for college credit at the community college as the will give them the advantage of having on of their harder subjects out of the way before they start into college full time. The way the program is going, we will have one more year for Kelly and two more years for Christian at our current rapid pace. After that we will slow down and take it one year at a time so we can enjoy it a little more and concentrate on really getting them a good understanding. Of course all of this planning depends on circumstances and the will of God. That being said, our current math trajectory is the following:

Grade 5: Through 6th grade – Singapore Primary Math 5B, 6A, and 6B
Grade 6: Through 7th grade – Singapore New Elementary Math 1
Grade 7: Through 8th grade – Singapore New Elementary Math 2
Grade 8: Through 9th grade – Singapore New Elementary Math 3
Grade 9: Through 10th grade – Singapore New Elementary Math 4
Grade 10:Through 11th grade – Saxon Calculus
Grade 11:Calculus at the community college
Grade 12:Differential equations and linear algebra at the community college

Grade 7: Through 8th grade – Singapore New Elementary Math 2
Grade 8: Through 9th grade – Singapore New Elementary Math 3
Grade 9: Through 10th grade – Singapore New Elementary Math 4
Grade 10:Through 11th grade – Saxon Calculus
Grade 11:Calculus at the community college
Grade 12:Differential equations and linear algebra at the community college