"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Tag: Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day at McDonald’s for the win!

McDonald's gives us free food for Valentine's Day 2015
McDonald’s has a Valentine’s Day promotion. When we went there, yesterday morning, they gave us our breakfast free after asking us to give each other a hug. It was a double pay-off for me!

Betty Blonde #255 – 07/10/2009
Betty Blonde #255
here or on the image to see full size strip.

Oregon’s Birthday

Day 176 of 1000

Lorena, Valentine's Day, and OregonI feel very sorry for people who do not “get” Oregon.  That includes the people who live in places like Lake Oswego and Cary (sister cities in spirit, decadence, and tackiness–the people in those towns are not from there even if they are, if you know what I mean).  Oregon is a state of mind and today is Oregon’s birthday.  My great, great grandfather had lived in Oregon for thirteen years before she became a state on Valentine’s Day of 1959 1859.  It is, without question, the most beautiful state in the union.  Even though it has been, to a large extent, controlled by people from California and the East Coast, the state of Oregon and the spirit of Oregon live on in the eastern and southern parts of the state.  We are very, very sad that we are not there now, but we are very happy that Kelly and Christian are will get their degrees at the wonderful NCSU, then head back out west to HOME!  The flowers that accompany this blog are dedicated to Lorena, Valentine’s Day, and the enlightened people who “get” the true spirit of Oregon.  Only 824 days to go.

Now if I could only get a link to the Oregon rock theme “I Can’t Go Home“.

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