"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Tag: studying

Up late preparing for Real Analysis and an EE Circuits class

Christian went to bed about two this morning after preparing for two very difficult, critically important mid-terms.  When Lorena got up this morning, she took the picture below of how he left his books when he finished studying.

Test prep for Real Analysis and EE Circuits mid-terms

Great summer classes

Day 320 of 1000

I am really glad Christian and Kelly both chose to take a class this summer.  Both of them needed it to be able to graduate in two years.  Actually they need to do the same thing again next summer, but I think they are getting more benefit out of these first classes than just the learning and the credit.  Kelly’s Foundations of Advanced Math class is taught by an emeritus professor who is well over 70 years old.  He tells the students EXACTLY what to expect in the class including how many hours they should study for each hour they are in lecture, how it is important that they bother their professors to make sure they are “getting” the material, exactly what they need to do to get an A, etc.  He gives them extra-credit points on what appears to be a regular basis.  What a great first professor.

Christian is taking a required Chemistry course.  It requires more time at school because it includes lab and recitation classes.  Yesterday, he got an email about a help session to help go over material that will be on his first test on Monday.  It is even more hours at school, but he is there now.  His professor got great reviews on RateMyProfessor.com and it appears the reviews were justified.  We do not know how this will end, but it has started well and there is definitely a lot of support infrastructure to help the students through the material.  If they take advantage of all the help and maintain focus, there is no reason they should not do well.

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