"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Tag: Samos

Blogs of buddies trying to be a help

For those of you who know Larry C. and or Karl O., I thought it would be good to put up a link to their blogs. Both of them have signed up for stints on faraway islands to be a help. Both of them have blogs with pictures. Larry is just starting so he does not have much yet, but Karl has been at it for awhile and has some very interesting posts along with some great pictures. Here are the links to the two blogs:

Betty Blonde #239 – 06/16/2009
Betty Blonde #239
here or on the image to see full size strip.

Karl on Samos, Greece

Karl on Samos, GreeceI have an old friend who has recently retired and moved from Oregon to the island of Samos in Greece. He has started a blog that usually includes a lot of pictures. He writes very well on a plethora of topics, too. He has always been a history buff, especially with respect to the ancient near east as well as Greece and Turkey. I have started visiting the site daily. His most recent excursion was to the Isle of Patmos. I stole the picture of a local market on his island from his blog. To suggest that I am a little envious would be a vast understatement.

Betty Blonde #154 – 02/17/2009
Betty Blonde #154
Click here or on the image to see full size strip.

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