"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Tag: Library

Prescott Valley–The exceptionally good news

Prescott Valley Library

View from the Prescott Valley LibraryThere is nothing about the Prescott Valley Public Library that is anything short of stunning. The picture above is the one I took as I walked in from the parking lot and does not do the rusted metal exterior and glass motif of the building justice. Many of you know that our family spends a lot of time in libraries. We generally like to spend time at college libraries because Lorena and the kids can study there while I work. College libraries tend to have pretty good wireless internet, so I was thinking of heading over to the Prescott College Library a small liberal arts college here in town.  I went to their web site and talked to a few people all of which led me to the understanding that this particular college took the liberal (in the modern sense pop culture sense, not the classical sense) part of the liberal arts program to extremes that might make me persona non-grata.  So I opted to huddle with the proletariat at the public library and boy am I glad I made that choice.

Inside the Prescott Valley Public Library

The left, top picture of the view from where I am sitting right now out the window looking at the mountains.  Actually, you can see beautiful mountains on two sides from windows that are thirty feet high and run the entire length of the building.  The inside is no less stunning.  I took the left, bottom picture looking down onto the first floor.  Just wow.  I will be here a lot.

And, just to be consistent.  They have a great little coffee shop and you can drink coffee in the stacks.

In the stacks at the NCSU D.H. Hill Library

Day 62 of 1000

The kids are completely swamped with homework.  I am completely swamped with the need to learn more about SQL and data mining.  We are broke (and still a little big dizzy) from having attended the North Carolina State Fair yesterday.  So, breaking our normal routine, we went home for lunch (rather than Wendy’s) after church and ate leftovers.  We left Mom to study for her Financial Accounting class, and made our way into the stacks rather than to the first floor conversation area of the library where there is a lot more college drama, but a lot less studying.  Now we are hard at work in the fourth floor stacks with photographic evidence that we are on task.

I decided that I needed to upgrade my Ubuntu to 11.10, load up MySQL and find myself a project that has to do both with SQL and BleAx to kill two birds with one stone–SQL and BleAx.  It is really three birds because every time I go over to our buddy Lyle’s blog, I get Linux envy.

Update:  I updated VirtualBox to v4.1.4 and Ubuntu to 11.10.  I turned off that horrible Unity thing that the Ubuntu guys want to impose on us, I struggled for about 5 minutes to get full screen mode going again in VirtualBox with GuestAdditions.  Now I am installing MySQL Server, MySQL Client, and MySQL Administrator.  I am not sure that is exactly the right thing to do, but it will probably get me started.  We will head home to the house in about five minutes.

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