"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Tag: Job fair

Last year of free stuff at the NCSU job fair

Day 902 of 1000

Christian went to the job fair to look for a summer internship.  He walked away with a lot of free stuff–a Microsoft t-shirt, a pen and a memory stick from Sharp, and a water bottle!
Christian's free stuff from the NCSU 2014 Spring Job Fair

Kelly, on the other hand, went to the job fair to work for her employer, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.  They not only paid her but gave her the free promotional stuff given to them by NCSU–An NCSU clipboard with NCSU logo note paper, an NCSU thermal coffee cup, and an NCSU leather portfolio!
Kelly's free stuff from the 2014 NCSU job fair

Betty Blonde #66 – 10/16/2008
Betty Blonde #66
Click here or on the image to see full size strip.

The last Job Fair at NCSU

Day 898 of 1000

Christian is attending the job NCSU job fair looking for internships.  Kelly is there, too, but she is working the booth for the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.  It is pretty hard work doing both.  I hope to have a picture of one or both of them later today.

Update: Christian before he cleans up to go to the job fair:

Christian before he cleans up to go to the job fair

Betty Blonde #62 – 10/10/2008
Betty Blonde #62
Click here or on the image to see full size strip.

The career fair at Big State U is your friend

Day 771 of 1000

Kelly went to her first job fair at NCSU last year.  She was not wildly excited about the idea as she said none of the other students took it too seriously.  Actually, she pretty seriously drug her feet, but in the end she dressed up very professionally, we updated and beautified her resume, and she went.  When she went, she was wiped out–it really is hard work to work a big job fair.  She said she was a little skeptical, but that changed to outright enthusiasm after she got four interviews and three job offers.  This year, she does not need the job fair as badly as last, because she has a standing offer for internship work at the JHU-APL.  Still she plans to spend some quality time there.

Kelly’s experience helped Christian a lot.  He is pretty fired up.  Last summer, he did research, so he was not looking for an internship.  This year, he wore his suit to school today, has an armful of updated resumes, and plans to spend several hours working the floor.  I am looking forward to hearing how it goes.

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