"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Tag: Israel

Holocaust Remembrance Day

This article titled Eichmann begged for mercy before hanging was very, very interesting, but very, very sad, too. It speaks for itself. May we never forget.

Betty Blonde #473 – 05/24/2010
Betty Blonde #473
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Perfidious anti-Israel bias in the news

I received an instant message from Christian yesterday about an article posted on Yahoo News. The headline in big bold letters said:

Israel army kills West Bank Palestinian: Palestinian security

In his instant message Christian said, “Pay special attention to the 3rd paragraph.” The third paragraph says the following:

An army spokesman told AFP that a Palestinian had died after he threw an incendiary device at a jeep and the vehicle overturned on him.

How is that for unbiased reporting? Bury the lead and pump the politically correct version in the headline. That’s the way to do it. About a week and a half ago a great article came out in The Alegmeiner titled Israel’s Supports Must Stop Using These 13 Phrases. Among other things, it explains why it is wrong to refer to Samaria and Judea as the “West Bank” and how the use of the terms “East Jerusalem” or “traditional Arab East Jerusalem” is just wrong, too–“The 19 years between when invading Jordan captured part of the city in 1948 and was ousted by Israel in 1967 was the only time in history, except between 638 and 1099, when Arabs ruled any part of Jerusalem.”

The article is a succinct primer on how much of the media tries to force the narrative a certain politically correct direction when it comes to reporting on Israel.

Betty Blonde #349 – 11/17/2009
Betty Blonde #349
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Cheap clean water in arid place — Thank you Israel

Cheap desalinization has been one of the holy grails of engineering for a long time. There are others like cheap, lightweight and (truly) efficient batteries, safe and efficient cold fusion, etc., etc. This article about how Israel does amazing things to desalinate water at a huge scale and a low price. Here is a quote from the article about where they are with their efforts:

The new plant in Israel, called Sorek, was finished in late 2013 but is just now ramping up to its full capacity; it will produce 627,000 cubic meters of water daily, providing evidence that such large desalination facilities are practical. Indeed, desalinated seawater is now a mainstay of the Israeli water supply. Whereas in 2004 the country relied entirely on groundwater and rain, it now has four seawater desalination plants running; Sorek is the largest. Those plants account for 40 percent of Israel’s water supply. By 2016, when additional plants will be running, some 50 percent of the country’s water is expected to come from desalination.

This could have huge ramifications for the whole world. Imagine if the African and Australian continents could get cheap, fresh water to areas where it was never before available. What about desalination and pumping of water to the arid parts of Mexico and even to Arizona from the Gulf of California. It is a big deal.

Betty Blonde #270 – 07/31/2009
Betty Blonde #270
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