"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Tag: art

Rembrandt comes to the North Carolina Museum of Art

Day 65 of 1000

We were amazed back in 2008 that a Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit came to the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences with tons of artifacts.  Duke University loaned some old, old bibles from their collection to add to the exhibit.  That was one of the highlights of our homeschool year.  Then, last spring Christian and Kelly were both required to go to the North Carolina Museum of Art as part of their Art Appreciation class at the community college.  Lorena and I took them one Saturday.  The collection their is amazing.  Now, the Art Museum has brought Rembrandt in America to Raleigh for a three month stay.  Grandpa Milo, Grandma Sarah, and our dear friend Gladys are coming for Thanksgiving this year,  Maybe we can all go see Rembrandt together.  Another hat tip to Andrew.  We do not know how he finds all this stuff, but we are glad he does.  Maybe we can get he and his bride to tag along with us.  Just sayin’.

We also love the North Carolina Museum of History.  Our favorite visit there was about North Carolina’s rich pirate history–Blackbeard and all that.  We need to start watching all of these museums a little more closely for these types of opportunities.

Some really great stuff about Muammar Gaddafi

There is something really good you can say about Muammar Gaddafi without getting into any of the recent ugliness over in Libya.  Kelly tells me that he is one of the funnest and easiest guys in the world to draw.  She did this drawing for me very rapidly.  The other really good thing about him is that you can spell his name just about any way you want and no one gets mad or corrects you because no one else knows how to spell it either.  Really, I wrote this post because I wanted an excuse to put up this really cool caricature that Kelly drew.

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