"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Category: Politics Page 4 of 5

Which state is the freest state?

Click the map to go to the John Locke Foundation page to see a bigger imageThe John Locke Foundation in North Carolina recently did a study that ranked the states in order of their level of freedom. You can see a bigger version of the map by clicking its image. The thing that was amazing to me was that North Carolina was so low at 23 and Oregon and Washington were so high at 34 and 37. It absolutely seems like we are living in Mordor here in Oregon with the draconian land use laws and the heavy-handed enforcement of unnecessary “environmental” laws. Arizona was no surprise at No. 2 with some of the best gun and education laws in the country. I hope they start doing this every year because it was very enlightening.

Betty Blonde #268 – 07/29/2009
Betty Blonde #268
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Is ISIS the truest form of Islam?

Kelly sent me a link to this a very interesting article from the Atlantic titled What ISIS Really Wants. As a Christian living in America, the article was an eye opener. The subtitle is long:

The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it.

I really do not have much to say about the article other than that the West is in big trouble, even if we change our thinking about ISIS right now. The article speaks for itself and I recommend it for an enlightening read. Here is an excerpt that gives the flavor of the article:

The reality is that the Islamic State is Islamic. Very Islamic. Yes, it has attracted psychopaths and adventure seekers, drawn largely from the disaffected populations of the Middle East and Europe. But the religion preached by its most ardent followers derives from coherent and even learned interpretations of Islam.

Virtually every major decision and law promulgated by the Islamic State adheres to what it calls, in its press and pronouncements, and on its billboards, license plates, stationery, and coins, “the Prophetic methodology,” which means following the prophecy and example of Muhammad, in punctilious detail. Muslims can reject the Islamic State; nearly all do. But pretending that it isn’t actually a religious, millenarian group, with theology that must be understood to be combatted, has already led the United States to underestimate it and back foolish schemes to counter it. We’ll need to get acquainted with the Islamic State’s intellectual genealogy if we are to react in a way that will not strengthen it, but instead help it self-immolate in its own excessive zeal.

Betty Blonde #262 – 07/21/2009
Betty Blonde #262
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It is February and the sun is shining in Oregon — what to do?

Sunshine in Oregon in February 2015I have moved away from Oregon what seems like enumerable times. Every time I return I am amazed by Oregon’s unparalleled beauty, the freshness of the air and the rain in the Willamette Valley. Up until now, my thoughts after a couple of weeks in the state have generally been, “I do not remember it raining this much.” Now, though, on the way up to Oregon from Tempe, Arizona through California we drove on dry pavement and have had several days of the couple of weeks we have been here with sunny days–I took the picture in the post out the window of our apartment. There is not a cloud in the sky. I think the East Coast is getting all our precipitation. This does not bode well for the coming summer. There appears to be almost no snow pack in the mountains which means low water levels in rivers and lakes and drought in Oregon. We have even seen rationed water here in the summer under these conditions.

The other thing that seems to get a little more intense every time we return is the coarse political and social environment in the state. Assisted suicide is legal here. Think of that. Assisted suicide–something that not so long ago would have been called murder. I would expect the same kind of abuse that has occurred in Holland with euthanasia will soon come here. Oregon has some of the least restrictive abortion laws in the country along with a high abortion rate. Any place that makes it legal to kill babies, the hope of the future, is in big trouble even if you are not talking about the immorality of the practice. Marijuana will be legal in that state starting later this year. Oregon has dropped to the bottom third in terms of educational performance from a very high rank a couple of decades ago and they continue to drop. The governor who presided over much of this mess resigned in disgrace last week, only to be replaced by the avowed bi-sexual Secretary of State. Homosexual unions are legally and oxymoronically called “marriages” in Oregon. And there is much more including it status as one of the most unchurched states in the Union and the abject failure of their Obamacare implementation.

Our plan has been to look for a home to buy here in Oregon. We are going to take that very slowly now that I am reminded of how it is here. The intolerance toward “my kind” here is palpable. I have a commitment to be here for awhile so we need to make some decisions about how to meet that commitment. If something does not go sideways, we have our house sold, so we have to do something before too long. We are in a nice apartment close to my work, so we will take our time and see what happens. Right now, on Sunday morning, it is funny that I am missing the crazy good biscuits they make at McDonalds in North Carolina. It seems like they just do not have the formula right out west.

Betty Blonde #260 – 07/17/2009
Betty Blonde #260
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The Oregon Myth

A post over on the Powerline Blog points out an amazing video made by some concerned citizens about the ongoing state of malaise in the State of Oregon. It gives a very clear explanation of the reasons I am not willing to go back there for anything other than a visit. My company has announced they will move to Oregon next year. They would like me to go along. I think that would be a hard thing to do. I am a native son of Oregon (family first arrived in 1846 on the Applegate Trail). My parents and all my siblings live there. I still believe it is, by far, the most beautiful state in the union. It is also one of the most intolerant states in the union–especially to people with my worldview. The following is a quote from the Powerline Blog post that captures the flavor of both the video and the post itself. I especially like the last line in this quote.

Even aside from the Obamacare fiasco and Kitzhaber’s ethical problems, the state has been in relative economic decline for more than two decades, with an unemployment rate consistently above the national average and income growth lagging the national average. Its public school performance is dismal, without the usual excuses of a large low income or minority population. Yet no one seems to connect any of these difficulties to the dominance of one political party. Perhaps you’ve taken in an episode of Portlandia? Believe me, as a frequent visitor to Portland (the city where young people go to retire), it is indeed a documentary.

If you don’t want to watch the whole 30 minutes, you can find some shorter videos by the same guys on the same subject here. On the other hand, if you wonder why I did my graduate work in Texas and currently live in North Carolina, watch the whole thing.

We need more professors like UNCW’s Mike Adams

Feminists Say the Darndest Things: A Politically Incorrect Professor Confronts "Womyn" on CampusI have been a fan of Mike Adams for years. He is an extremely engaging writer and his column over at Townhall is well worth reading whenever he writes. He won teaching awards and has a very high rating on RateMyProfessor.com. He has written some books that were well received titled Feminsts Say the Darndest Things: A Politically Incorrect Professor Confronts “Womyn” on Campus and Welcome to the Ivory Tower of Babel: Confessions of a Conservative College Professor.

UNCW denied him tenure because of some conservative personal opinions he expressed while not at work. They denied they had discriminated against him. Over the last couple of month or so he wrote a series of articles on how he beat the administration and faculty at the University of North Carolina Wilmington into submission for their blatant and continued discrimination against him for being a Christian white male. The funny deal is that he was an atheist when he started. They loved him then. He even had the good sense to leave leave UNC Chapel Hill after spending only a year there in law school. So he is a man of conviction and a man after my own heart.

Here are the articles in the series he wrote about the trials:

Article 1: This is Providence
Article 2: Pharisees and Pharaohs
Article 3: Prayers and Preparation
Article 4: Pride and Perjury
Article 5: David French Slays Goliath
Article 6: To Speak the Truth

Read them all!

Betty Blonde #177 – 03/20/2009
Betty Blonde #177
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An article on the ignorance and evil of Marxist Feminism and Women’s Studies programs

There is little doubt that radical aspects of some stripes of feminism have done great damage to American society. There has been some pretty serious push-back against much of this ideology, not only by the likes of constitutional lawyer Phyllis Schlafly, but even by many avowed feminists intellectuals like Camille Paglia and Christiana Hoff Sommers. I ran into an incredible article titled Marxist Feminism’s Ruined Lives that starkly addresses this. It is on the evils of a particularly insidious variety of feminism called Marxist Feminism. This article is a must read for anyone with school age daughters. It was written by Mallory Millet, the sister of one of a radical feminist “intellectual” named Kate Millet who authored a notorious screed on feminism titled Sexual Politics.

Mallory spent years as an ex-pat in third world countries and it opened her eyes to the frivolity and evil of the Kate’s ideology. She was stunned when she finally returned to the United States and learned what Kate was doing.  The following is part of a prayer-like question and response heard by Mallory at a “consciousness-raising” event to which Kate invited her on her return to the United States:

“And how do we destroy the American Patriarch?” she replied.
“By taking away his power!”
“How do we do that?”
“By destroying monogamy!” they shouted.
“How can we destroy monogamy?”

Their answer left me dumbstruck, breathless, disbelieving my ears. Was I on planet earth? Who were these people?

“By promoting promiscuity, eroticism, prostitution and homosexuality!” they resounded.

Mallory thoughts on hearing this mantra are telling:

… I had seen factory workers and sex-slaves chained to walls.

How could they know? Asia is beyond our ken and, as they say, utterly inscrutable, and a kind of hell I never intended to revisit. I lived there, not junketed, not visited like sweet little tourists — I’d conducted households and tried to raise a child. I had outgrown the communism of my university days and was clumsily groping my way back to God.

How could twelve American women who were the most respectable types imaginable — clean and privileged graduates of esteemed institutions: Columbia, Radcliffe, Smith, Wellesley, Vassar; the uncle of one was Secretary of War under Franklin Roosevelt — plot such a thing? Most had advanced degrees and appeared cogent, bright, reasonable and good. How did these people rationally believe they could succeed with such vicious grandiosity? And why?

This article is a must read for anyone who has daughters heading off to college–especially to Women’s Studies programs. There is much to conclude from Mallory’s observations and she has many observations. One of the scariest one’s is this:

By the time Women’s Studies professors finish with your daughter, she will be a shell of the innocent girl you knew, who’s soon convinced that although she should be flopping down with every boy she fancies, she should not, by any means, get pregnant. And so, as a practitioner of promiscuity, she becomes a wizard of prevention techniques, especially abortion.

The goal of Women’s Liberation is to wear each female down to losing all empathy for boys, men or babies.

Please read the whole article.

Betty Blonde #168 – 03/09/2009
Betty Blonde #168
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One of my favorite feminists: Christina Hoff Sommers

The really odd part about all this is that I actually have more than one favorite feminist. Unlike many feminists, Christina Hoff Sommers tries to get her facts right and calls to account those who do not. Here is one of her great quotes about a textbook author who refused to get her facts right:

“Law students will now be treated to another round of Elvis sightings parading as scholarship.”[citation]

Now she has published a list of feminists myths at the Time (normally liberal rag) website. It is titled 5 Feminist Myths That Will Not Die and is a must read for those who, like most of us, are regularly harangued with feminist canards.

Betty Blonde #159 – 02/24/2009
Betty Blonde #159
here or on the image to see full size strip.

I wish this did not ring true – “Packaged” arrest in Mexico

Mexico is such a great country with so many great people it is hard to read articles like this.  It is about an infamous narco-trafficker who got arrested, not after a long and arduous effort by law enforcement agents to find a bad guy, but because it finally became politically expedient. If it really is true, taking the guy off the street probably does nothing with respect to putting a dent in the drug traffic. It all makes me believe maybe the previous Mexican was a pretty good guy, trying to do the right thing and getting hard push-back from the bad guys. Meanwhile, lots of our friends and family down in Mexico suffer as a result. Everyone is touched by it. Mexico is a beautiful and prosperous place, full of opportunity, with lots of good and friendly people. It could be so much more than the level of corruption currently allows.

Betty Blonde #152 – 02/13/2009
Betty Blonde #152
Click here or on the image to see full size strip.


Somehow, a couple of weeks back, I got a link to the Treppenwitz blog. I am not sure who first sent me the link–I think it might have been Kelly–but now I check it everyday. It is written by a guy roughly my age (maybe a little younger, I am giving my self the benefit of a doubt) who immigrated with his family to Israel from the United States and writes about his family’s life and life in Israel. Recent events make the blog interesting, but this is the post about when his daughter, at age 18, enlisted in the army is the thing that really got me hooked. The picture of the girl in the blog post standing between her parents really hit me with the reality of their situation.

Reading his blog makes me realize we are really not so different from each other. The guy, David Bogner, is there because he wants to be there. He rightly loves his family and his country and wants to have a good life for them. He does not have to be there, but remains and is willing to do what is necessary to keep his family safe and serve his country. I respect what he is doing a lot and love that he writes about it. Do not let me or my family complain about our lot in life–we have it easy and need to appreciate and support those who want that for their own families.

Betty Blonde #143 – 02/02/2009
Betty Blonde #143
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Switching to Opera

Day 960 of 1000

Due to Mozilla’s unconscionable and extreme treatment of their former CEO, Brendan Eich, I have decided to kick Firefox to the curb.  Daniel Greenfield explains the issue quite well in his blog post at Frontpage Mag.  He also makes a great case for why Chrome is a bad choice for a replacement.  I thought I would try Opera first because I have heard so many good things about it.  I am writing this post from the ScribeFire extension that I used previously in Firefox.  I have been able to import all my bookmarks and am blocking ads with AdBlock Plus.  The browsers is noticeably faster.  I will have to retrain myself to use the Opera layout, but that does not look to be too onerous.  So far, admittedly only one day, I am quite happy with the change.  I will leave Firefox installed for a few more days to easy the transition, but will put up a post when I am Firefox free.

Betty Blonde #99 – 12/02/2008
Betty Blonde #99
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Another reason why I love NCSU

Day 873 of 1000
Betty Blonde
#39 – 09/09/2008
Betty Blonde #39
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Read the comments.
Barak gets the respect he deserves at NCSU

Should marijuana be legalized? Educational video

Day 822 of 1000
Betty Blonde #7 – 07/25/2008
Betty Blonde #3
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Steven Crowder explains some things about marijuana that many people do not know:

The farce of Obama’s government shutdown

Day 776 of 1000

There is an interesting article over at The Numbers Guy blog at the Wall Street Journal titled Government Shutdown’s Price Tag.  It basically says whatever number the government calculates as the cost of the shutdown is just wrong.  He talks about how badly the calculation was done during the last two shutdowns and what it is impossible and worthless to even try (Hint:  The U.S. economy is about the same complexity as the weather).  There are a couple of other things that make Obama’s shutdown even more expensive that are of the Obama’s own making.  Beside the greater amount of money Obama spends to keep people out of parks than it would cost just operate as usual, there is a good chance the Democrats will pay the furloughed government workers for services NOT rendered.  From the article:

There is one other big variable to economic impact: What happens if Congress chooses not to award back pay to furloughed workers? After every prior shutdown, Congress has made up the withheld salary. “If the current situation lingers for several weeks, I suspect this Congress will be less willing to offer that pay,” Mr. LeBas said. “The multibillion price tag for doing so is more meaningful today in a deficit-conscious world, than it was almost 18 years ago.”

Whatever number is selected as the cost of Obama’s shutdown will almost certainly be used to blame the people who were actually trying to remedy the situation.

Irony and ambivalence

My buddy John at work told me to go look at donotcall.gov.  The image below is what was there.  Make sure you do not call donotcall.  They are shut down.  On the one hand, it gives great joy that the government is shut down so they do not waste as much of my money nor spend it on evil and objectionable things.  Shutting down the government is about the only thing Barack Obama, Harry Reid and the Democrats have ever done for which I have been thankful.  I wish the Republicans would have thought of doing this.  On the other hand, this is one of the few government services that was actually worth it.

Do not call, do not call.

A liberal rag makes the case against government high school sports?

This has been one of my pet peeves for a long time.  It is nuts that we pay for high school sports.  PE is one thing, but as the article says, “The United States routinely spends more tax dollars per high-school athlete than per high-school math student—unlike most countries worldwide.”  I don’t really care how other countries worldwide are funding sports vs. school because it does not seem like they are so hot either.  Nevertheless, I say let the parents and sports boosters pay for the kids to play.

Is North Carolina the healthiest state in the Union?

Maybe we should stay in North Carolina.  According to this article in The Examiner, people seem to age very well here:

Perhaps in an effort to promote North Carolina as one of the healthiest States in the Nation, this latest voter twist comes to us from Susan Myrick of the Civitas Institute in North Carolina–not to be confused with Rep. Sue Myrick of NC who is unrelated. In a radio interview with local WBT Anchor Tara Servatious, Susan reports that she has been keeping track of the number of votes in North Carolina of individuals over the age of 110 years and apparently we have quite a few, over 410 of the 110 year olds–to be exact– actually voted via absentee ballot on October the 28th. Yes indeed, now it would appear that good ole NC has the market cornered on the Centenarian vote.

At latest count, Susan has garnered a total Absentee Ballot vote of over 2,660 people over the age of 110. Someone contact the Guiness Book and warm up the Ford, the Fountain of Youth exists and its right here in lovely NC. It’s no wonder people are moving here in droves–maybe the use of tobacco isn’t such a bad thing after all? But, on a more serious note, with all of the irregularities going on all over the place, we can now begin to wonder about a few things.

Understanding the Times–Thank you David Noebel

Day 313 of 1000

Understanding the TimesLately, our family talks about world views, morality, and world events more than has been normal for us in the past.  I think this is because of the election in Mexico on Sunday, the election in the US in November, some Supreme Court rulings, propaganda filled college orientations indoctrinations, events in the Middle East, and our own rapidly changing lives.  In the midst of all that, Christian is selling a lot of our old homeschool books to raise money to buy books, cell phones, and other stuff he and Kelly need for college.  One of those books is titled, Understanding the Times by David A. Noebel.  Kelly, Christian, and I read the book aloud together.  We liked it very much because it pulled together a lot of material we had studied previously into a discussion about world views.

Actually, I have already written about the book a number of times.  You can find those posts by clicking on the following links:

We read a lot of books, listened to audio talks, and watched videos about different worldview issues.  Paul Johnson, Lila Rose, William Lane Craig, Greg Koukl, Dale Carnegie, William Dembski, Stephen Meyer, Robert Spenser, and others helped us to understand the historical reality of the death and resurrection of Jesus, the seminal role of Christianity in science, law, commerce, education, and the emancipation of slaves and women.  They showed us why abortion and homesexual behavior are wrong and traditional marriage is right.  The main thing Understanding the Times gave us was a grasp of how different worldviews understand all of these important topics and what to expect from people who are true to these competing worldviews.

The reason this has all come to mind is that we really tried to give the kids a sense for why they should hold to a biblical worldview.  This book helped tie a lot of disparate topics together into a cogent whole.  The deeper we delved into these subjects, the better we understood the truths on which a biblical worldview are founded.  Understanding the Times did a good job of giving us the big picture when the kids were just starting high school.  It has gone a long way to prepare them for what they have confronted in college.  For that I am grateful.

Hip new sweater vest!

Day 298 of 1000

I think this is the best investment I made all year.  Too bad it is too warm to wear it in the summer, but it will be rested and ready for use with the right kind of weather by this fall!

Rick Santorum sweater vest

NC vs PNW Observation by Andrew

At lunch today, Andrew mention that when he lived in Seattle he was very impressed with the way the government provided online support and information for things like the DMV, the tax office, etc., but how that when he walks into the office or call on the phone to get help, there is either none or it is surly, lazy, and passive/aggressive.  With North Carolina, it is just the opposite.  Online infrastructure is not so great, but the people at the counter or on the phone are happy, helpful, and kind.  Amazing.  It is absolutely true and I prefer the latter most of the time.

Stepan tells a little of his story

Stepan stopped by my desk again and told me a little story about his great grandfather, Nikolai, who was originally from the Ukraine.  Nikolai was a successful, small family farmer.  So successful, it turns out, that In the 1930’s, Stalin’s thugs took the farm and sent the whole family to Siberia.  Somehow, Nikolai was able to bribe two guards so the family could escape.  They changed their names and lived as illegal aliens in Murmansk.  I looked up Murmansk on Google maps.  It is in the very Northwest corner of Russia, not too far from the border with Finland.  His family probably did not live too far from our relative in Northern Finland during World War II.  It is an amazing story.  Stepan’s family did not  hear about it until Nikolai’s wife told them about it after the Soviet Union fell in the early 1990’s.

He also told me about his wife’s great grandfather who is German/Dutch extraction.  During World War II, he got sent to a horrible concentration camp in Kazakhstan where the vast bulk of the prisoners died.  He had abandoned his factory in the Ukraine and made his way to the south of Russian when he saw that Stalin and the communists were going to come and take it from him.

Needless to say, Stepan does NOT have too many warm fuzzy feelings about atheism, communism in general, and Joe Stalin in particular.

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