"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Dietary considerations

Lorena and I both generally drink a cola drink every day. Lorena drinks regular Coke and I drink Caffeine Free Diet Coke.  As I was driving in to work this morning, I heard a commentary about cola drinks. It seems that cola drinks are very bad for women’s bones. Even in small amounts, the occurrence of osteoporosis increases dramatically. The study showed that, even if a woman drinks a lot of milk with her colas, she is way worse off than those who did not drink cola. When I got into work, I did a search for articles about the study on the internet. I found a good article here. Speaking about a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it starts out by saying, “Their study of 2,500 people revealed drinking cola was linked with low bone mineral density in women regardless of their age or calcium intake.” I called Lorena after I read the article and we agreed that we are going to try to drop cola drinks from our diet. The article also suggested that it is important for women to drink plenty of milk and eat lots of dark leafy greens (like spinach) and beans. The benefits of such a diet are greatly diminished in terms of the prevention of osteoporosis with the regular intake of even small amounts of cola.


WOW! What a Thanksgiving!




  1. Kelly

    Mom doesn’t like milk but what about cheese? Mom likes cheese and yogurt.

  2. Dad

    Cheese is good. Anything with calcium helps, but the bigger point is that even if you eat food with a lot of calcium, drinking cola drinks is really bad for you.

  3. Kelly

    Mom says that she knew that since a long time ago.

  4. Christian

    Mom will change her coke fad to the new cola that is coming out that makes you lose calories, of course.

  5. Dad

    No, no, no! Even the diet stuff is bad. It is not the calories, it is the cola itself that is bad!

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