"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Another Bible Question

I was reading in Matthew 24 today and I was wondering whether Jesus was referring to 70 AD or the coming of Christ in the future? Today we go to piano lessons and tommorow there is meeting, swimming, and Mom’s calculus class. I think that Mrs. Waldo came back from her trip to Washington D.C. and hopefully she will tell us all about it tommorow night! Mom is doing quite well in her class, and Christian is doing wonderfully in Cub Scouts. Maybe Dad will post up his uniform photo today. I had better get back to work!


Living in the present


Competing with China in Low Tech Manufacturing


  1. Dad

    Tough question! People have discussed this questions for centuries. Some think they have definitive answers. I am not one of those. Nevertheless, it is a great chapter. Have fun at piano!

  2. JoAnn Waldo


    We are home!! And I have been reading all the postings I have missed and trying to catch up with what is happening with our neighbors up the hill. It is very interesting what Dad wrote about living in the now because we have been livng in the past the last 11 days. I’m so glad for the living history we felt there. Your parents should take you to Washington DC soon!!! I feel so patriotic after seeing The White House, Congress, all the momuments to the great men as well as Gettysburg and Arlington Cemetary where so many lost their lives in order to make freedom real for all even to our day!! A couple surprises…it is very green and lush with trees etc in the DC area and the people are so very friendly and helpful even when crammed into the Metro (subway) during rush hour!!! I think people in the northwest could learn a few things about friendliness from them! I want to!! Oh by the way I got to see President Bush as he was getting into his helicopter and he turned and waved!!! Do you want my autograph? hehhee Love, JoAnn

  3. Dad

    Nuhuhhhhh…You did ALL that AND got to see the President? That’s weiiird. Dad’s gonna hafta take us to D.C. sometime soon! What was the White House like? I hear it’s haunted (ooooOOOOooo) Didja see the big library? And the Abe Lincoln monument (that IS in Washington D.C. isn’t it?) and everything? Did ya take lotsa pictures? It sounds like you had a great time! Yes, the people in D.C. must be like the people in Texas, Eastern hospitality and all that. (-: Oh, by the way, I was not able to play the piano for your mother but hopefully this month I will be able to. I’ll ask Dad and we will let you know.

  4. Dad

    Did Mr. and Mrs. Sartain (is that how you spell their name?) have a good time?

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