"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Sorry, sorry, sorry

Please forgive the lax posting as of late!  It has been a very full month in the Chapman household. In addition to school, work, gym time and visitors, we have had PSATs, parties, more visitors, eye exams, rescheduling of music lessons, and an upcoming trip to Mexico to plan for! Grandma and Grandpa Chapman left for Oregon early yesterday morning, leaving behind plenty of leftovers. While they were here we made chicken cordon bleu, baked apples, Cornish game hens, fruit and angel food cake trifles, macaroni and peas (a Grandma and Grandpa classic), plenty of baked bread, and a fancy pasta dish made with grandpa’s own dried tomatoes.  The pasta leftovers have been a lifesaver since we’ve been running around so much lately.  Pictures will come soon!

I got my glasses last week!  I don’t know how I could ever have lived without them! I feel, dare I say it, rather like Sarah Palin. In the course of obtaining the glasses, I told five people that I was going for the attractive Alaskan ex-governer look, but no one laughed.  Liberals.  Anyway, it turns out that I’m a little nearsighted in my right eye, and more than a little nearsighted in my left.  The glasses will definitely come in handy once I start going to school, and will be mandatory once I start driving.

School is school.  I have heaps of reading to do, but the books are interesting which really helps the reading move along.  The Ancient History book is exteremly absorbing.  It’s like a novel, but more in depth.  It’s really helping me see more of the big picture. The Biblical history is especially interesting next to it’s contemporary secular world. Intellectuals by Paul Johnson is quite salacious.  Sometimes when I’m reading it I get a guilty feeling, like I’m reading People magazine, but then I remember that I’m doing homework. 🙂


Cleaning the windows


Irregular posting


  1. Kendall

    I THOUGHT those glasses were new. I meant to tell you at meeting that I liked them, but I didn’t get a chance. I would have laughed at your Sarah Palin joke. 😉

  2. Kelly

    Thank you Kendall! I quite appreciate that. 🙂

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