Kelly thinks she did pretty well on her PSAT.  She enjoys taking those kinds of tests and she took it with a bunch of other homeschoolers her own age.  The other kids were not so talkative, at least to her, and she knows she missed a few of the questions, but all-in-all, she thinks it went fine.  The hard thing is that tests like this really throw off our schedule.  This is the first time we did not have the Betty Blonde comic scanned into the computer and uploaded to the internet.  We have had it fouled up a little and had to make some changes, but this is the first time it was not scanned in at all.  Luckily, Christian was able to do that this morning.

Things are not going to slow down to much for awhile either.  I am working hard on KamVu, Grandpa Milo and Grandma Sarah are coming for a visit next week, Kelly starts her driving classes toward the end of October, we go to Mexico for two weeks at the end of November, and both the kids plan to take a CLEP test in early December.  I do not expect to be able to get our head above water until Christmas time.