"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Paying the price for pickled jalapeños

We went to lunch at Mo’s yesterday with Troy and Youngin.  I do not know if it was what I ate there or something I ate later, but I paid a BIG price last night for whatever it was.  We had a good weekend.  That is all I have time to write this morning.


Buying “project” furniture


Precalculus: Teaching Textbooks or Thinkwell?


  1. Ruthie

    oooooo….doesn’t sound good.

    We had a great weekend as well…except for the BIG price. John and the boys went to Grandma’s and helped her prepare her garden…I am looking forward to tomatoes for homemade s a l s a (had to spread it out cause that is how we say it at our house) this summer. We barbecued and spent the evening in conversation. Emma shopped with a friend and then Mattisse and I met her at her girlfriend’s home for a slideshow and recap of her friend’s recent mission trip to Ghana.

    Yesterday Emma took her dad to breakfast and then they stopped in at the local Baptist church for their 1st service. They came home so excited and convinced us to go to their late service. A guest speaker from Jews for Jesus was there and he presented the entire Passover meal and explained it in detail. We are somewhat “in-between” churches having recently left our church of 13 years, and so each week we may find ourselves at a different fellowship, although we had been going to a little church right in our neighborhood. But not yesterday.

    Hope your day is better than last night:)

  2. Dad

    It sounds like you had a REALLY full weekend. It rained all weekend here in Raleigh and felt like we had never left Oregon. We are looking forward to the weather turning better so we can start doing some gardening and barbecuing. We are hoping for some weekends as rewarding as yours appears to have been.

  3. Youngin

    OOOH! Bummer that you are sick. Is everyone else ok? We are both fine.

  4. Dad

    Youngin. Thanks for asking! I am great. Especially after my nap! You would think one would get smarter with age relative to things like hot peppers!

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