I finished the Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus, Volume Three by Michael L. Brown on the trip to Oregon and started reading Volume Four today. These books have been major eye-openers for me in many ways, not only about Christianity from a Jewish perspective, but about Christianity, whole cloth.

I ordered a book titled The Farm at the Center of the Universe by Guillermo Gonzalez and Jonathan Witt that arrived while we were gone. It is a young person’s novel about scientific and other evidences for the existence of God. I got this one just because it looked like it could be very, very good. I hope to have time to read the second one this weekend.

I am doing a pretty good job of upping my reading game, but will have to put more effort into finding more good books. I have several that are pretty heavy reads, so I need to find some new ones that are both interesting and worth reading. Sometimes those ends are at cross purposes with each other.