"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: May 31, 2024

Two books

I finished the Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus, Volume Three by Michael L. Brown on the trip to Oregon and started reading Volume Four today. These books have been major eye-openers for me in many ways, not only about Christianity from a Jewish perspective, but about Christianity, whole cloth.

I ordered a book titled The Farm at the Center of the Universe by Guillermo Gonzalez and Jonathan Witt that arrived while we were gone. It is a young person’s novel about scientific and other evidences for the existence of God. I got this one just because it looked like it could be very, very good. I hope to have time to read the second one this weekend.

I am doing a pretty good job of upping my reading game, but will have to put more effort into finding more good books. I have several that are pretty heavy reads, so I need to find some new ones that are both interesting and worth reading. Sometimes those ends are at cross purposes with each other.

The siblings

Lorena and I flew to Oregon to get together with all my siblings to celebrate my older brother, Doug’s, 70th birthday. We met together at a resort at Depoe Bay, Oregon. I am very, very grateful for my siblings. They hosted me at the hotel and at my sister Julia’s house when we returned to Portland. We spent the whole time eating and talking about psychology and God. Of course, we are coming from different places on stuff, but are in agreement on more than that on which we disagree. Most of all, we talked and listened to each other in good will. We have decided to get together like this every year or two. I hope we can do the next one in our house Texas or Mexico.

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