"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: May 20, 2024

Selling the house

No offers yet, but today we had the third showing in the first three days the house has been on the market. We have been trying to figure out what we should do to be out of the way while waiting for people to view the house and we think we might have found it. There is a place in Godley named Row 171 that serves drinks, but no food. The hook is that people come there for the music and ambiance AND the scheduled food trucks. Tonight, there was some stellar quesadillas and a glass of wine. The music was a little loud for an old guy like me, but it was not bad music. The feeling was that kind of feeling you can only get in a small town in America of a high school ambiance, but with beer, wine, and well drinks. You kind of expect to see Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite to walk by in his high school letter jacket.

Troy out in the field

Troy is out in the field at the Kearney Outdoor Learning Area working on our research targets. I actually really like this picture. He looks like a real working hydrology scientist. That is right in the same place where the University of Nebraska–Kearney research team got the killer snapping turtle image that I put up in yesterday’s blog post. I really hope he has on some steel encased boots!

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