"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: May 17, 2024

House for sale!

Our house in Godley is officially on the market. It hit the websites earlier today and we had our first visitor in the early afternoon. We are not sure what that means, but we think we have it priced right and hope it sells pretty quickly. We will be moving to Mexico between when our current house sells and the new house is completed. We have done a lot of work getting ready, but now we are in the hurry up and wait mode. Even though some of our houses have sold very quickly in the past this period gives Lorena and I anxiety!

Tío Lauro in Brazil

My brother-in-law, Lauro has had some pretty amazing jobs. Right now he runs a team of several groups of engineers located throughout Latin America. Right now, he is visiting a couple of those teams in Brazil. He and his family lived in Brazil a decade or so ago and he truly loves it there. All things considered, though, I think he has gotten to the point in his career (like I did), where travel is more of a chore if you are doing it for work. Sitting on airplanes for double-digit hours at a time with only work at the other end is pretty lonely and tiring. I am grateful to not be doing it so much anymore. Still, it can be enjoyable if one has a good group of people at the other end.

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