I texted Lynn today to see if he was letting his workers have the day off since it is almost New Year’s Eve. He said no because he is about three days away from the first two renters moving in on January 6 and there are a bunch of uncompleted small details. He sent me this picture with three of the six mailboxes installed (the other three are at the second house entrance. The first renters moving in is coming a lot later than we hoped and expected, but the apartments are also a lot bigger, went from four to six units, and include a lot more amenities than we had initially planned. Their are two azoteas now and they are way nice with a mesquite grill, a bathroom and shower (I think), and spectacular views from both the upper and lower azoteas. The apartments are already on the market for sale and we have interest, but we have found the potential buyers are very attracted to buying the place full of renters. All six units have been spoken for, but there needs to be a bit more diligence on a couple of them before we sign contracts.