Christian recommended a book yesterday on weight lifting for older guys. I guess I fit into that category now that I am a lot closer to 70 than to 60. I really hate to buy anything from Amazon so I bought it from The Aasgaard Company. I got to looking around their website and it seems like a very interesting enterprise, especially based on their statement about being classical liberals. I think I bought the book at the right place.

That strength training is important as one gets older has been on my radar since I read some of the comments Kenneth Cooper made about it. This is just a rough paraphrase, but he said something to the effect that quality of life for older people is improved if they are strong enough to walk up stairs and fulfill daily household tasks.

I have spent all my time sitting and typing for the last couple of years. There have been fairly good periods of that time when I walked two to five miles per day, but I have used the excuse that I was working a full time job and studying as a full time student which did not give me much time for exercise. I know that is a really bad excuse, so now is the time to do something about. Walking is the first thing that is going back on my schedule, but Lorena and I also want to lift weights, so Christian’s recommendation was a helpful push toward doing that.