All my homework is complete for Spring Semester 2022. There are is only one more class to attend where I will present my final ArcGIS project. Then, I will only have two three hour classes and an additional 30 credits of research before my credit requirements will be complete. I am scheduled to take my Comprehensive Exam and present my thesis proposal in January 2023 with the goal of completing my dissertation defense before the end of Spring Semester 2023. This summer will be spent on doing the research for my third and final paper. The three papers, when completed will be the three chapters of my dissertation. The plan for this summer is to finish the software and start processing images that have not yet been captured yet. The camera is on Turkey Creek in something called the Kearney Outdoor Learning Area (KOLA) south of Kearney West High School near Kearney, Nebraska. It is a beautiful setting and I am glad it is there. The latest functionality added to the research software (GRIME2) is shown in the video below.
Month: April 2022

We are all but finished in the remodel of the first house and are moving forward to try to figure out what to do with the second one. The lot for the house is not that big, but the size of the house is not small, taking up the entire footprint of the property. We have started talking with an architect because we want to make sure to have a design the current house structure can support. In those discussions we have vacillated between two different styles. We are leaning toward a traditional/contemporary design whose outward appearance would be somewhat like the house on the bottom right in the images above. Lynn suggested we have the architect render the house also as a full blown contemporary style house of the type shown in the bottom left image. None of the interior of the house will be affected much but we want the outside to fit into the neighborhood and still have the kind of design that works for the way we want to use the place.
As for the first house, we are not sure what to do with it yet–we were thinking of keeping it and renting it out but we were approached by someone who wants to buy it from us. They are bringing us an offer in the next week or so. We will almost certainly sell it if it is a good offer because that will allow us to start in on another property.