Today, everything that is going on just seems crazy. We do not have a new U.S. President yet and whichever one ends up in office will make half of the country go crazy. The morality of the culture at large is abjectly bad. We are in the middle of a pandemic for over which there are additional levels of crazy on all sides of the issue. The funny deal is that at this one snapshot in time, our lives are going well, at least in a temporal sense. Lorena just earned her Associate of Arts degree in December. Kelly and Christian both have good jobs that would preclude them from being taken into the military if there is war. They both got good little, end-of-year raises at a time when that is quite uncommon. I have a job I love that, if we can solve a few more problems, we will speed up and provided a more controlled environment for virology and other types of research that require the growing of cells under specific conditions. What happens over the next few weeks with respect to the President will not have a huge effect on any of these things, but life could get a lot more insecure with respect to financial, moral, and physical security. In the meantime, we have a great view out our living room window.
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