"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: December 31, 2018

After 15 years of blogging

I am averaging 241 posts per year. I am going to try to maintain that as I go forward even though I have moved to more of a diarist posture where only I (and select friends) can see what I post. In a few months I will hit fifteen years. It has absolutely been worth it.

Last post of the year

The sun is shining in Centralia. The pure steam coming from the coal fired generation plant on the left side of this image and one cloud above Mt. Rainier is all that is in the vast expanse of sky behind the house. We are very thankful to be here in Centralia right now. We love our house, I love my work, there is a path toward retirement that might be a little rocky, but God is in control of all that–I have a lot of faith that I will get what I need and it might not be the easy path that is what I want, but it will be better to be out of my hands and in the hands of God than planning my own path.

One thing that has become evident over the last months (maybe years) on which I need to operate, is that it is not good, not scriptural even, to engage with people of bad faith or bad will. The good news is that there are a lot of people of good will and good faith–not perfect by any stretch, but of good will and good faith. So, after doing an inventory of the things in which I am currently involved, I have decided I will work on one and possible two of five projects. All of them are worthy projects, but the people involved in the one or two are people in whom I have confidence. The other three or four, not so much. Life is too short and I do not have so many years left to invest in projects with people of dubious motivation. It is not that I am such a great prize myself, but I want to be.

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