This endless refrain has been taking up again that it is time to start the fight against the waistline. Lorena bought me several packages of vegetable mixes compatible with the 1200-ish calorie per day intake I need to take my weight down at a reasonable rate. Jon and I are back in the fight. We opened the spreadsheet back up and are recording our weight, steps, and, for me, calories. Right before Christmas is a really rough time to take up such an enterprise, but “if not now, when?” I cannot believe I am not only saying it, but I actually embrace the fact that I enjoy this kind of a diet and tend to get more exercise and more work-work and project work done when I am on this kind of a program because I have to stay pretty regimented to be able to handle it.
Ah, let’s not call it a diet—that’s a bad word Haha. D I E T stands for “Drub It Every Time”. I’m gonna have to make it more a way of living if it’s going to last. Oh for the discipline! Thx for the help and encouragement along the way, Ken! “Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels.”
Hahaha! Agreed Jon! There I fixed it. And I am glad to have a partner in this.