Red State has an excellent article up on the Iowa Caucuses in particular and politics in general. This article resonates with me very, very much. It is titled Everything that you read today on Iowa is going to be nonsense. Including this. It has a list of truths about this and most other elections. I am going to try to remind myself to return to this article throughout this current election season. Maybe it will help me not to go (completely) insane over the doings of it all. Here are a couple of points I really liked, but all of them are very good:

  • Do not fall in love with politicians. Ever. You can like them, you can give them money, you can stump for them, you can even buy one a beer if you’re feeling generous – but never, ever, ever fall in love with one, because you will either end up regretting it, or you will end up being one of those sad, lonely people who everyone selectively avoids.
  • Political activism is no substitute for a genuine feeling of self-worth.