Lorena and I have very busy lives. She takes two classes at the community college (Geology and Business Law). I do consulting work with a couple of companies in the evenings while she is either in class or studying. So what does that have to do with salsa and ketchup? Not much other than that we often eat at our desks. I noticed a couple of ketchup stains on my desk and thought of that great divide in America, partly due to the influx of Mexicans here in the US, but probably mostly due to the fact that most Americans are switching from that great American condiment to its spicy competitor. Of course, if there were any stains on Lorena’s desk (that is my story and it is best that I maintain that position) they would be of the salsa variety. All of this to get to the point that it dawned on me that I now only eat ketchup about one time for every time I eat salsa.

Lorena said, “You are so American” when she saw me putting ketchup on my hamburger last night. It is not true.

Betty Blonde #422 – 02/26/2010
Betty Blonde #422
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