I traded a couple of emails the other day with a buddy who had some insider information about some events in the news. The news was reported in a very skewed way by the main stream media which made people in the middle and toward the right of the political spectrum howl. The insider information, and I trust the guy who gave it to me, led me to believe both sides had some points right and some points wrong, but mostly they missed the bigger point altogether. All this made me think about a blog post I wrote a few days ago titled Sometimes it seems like things are getting really bad. That post referenced an article that explains that, even though morality is in decline, there are literally two billion people who hold to what is right.

The backdrop for this was some discussions with the kids about how important it is to figure out what is true for one’s self. If someone makes a statement about the way another person thinks, acts or their very nature, it is best to take it with a grain of salt until it can be known first hand. No one has all the information and people change. I am still embarrassed (and ashamed, if the truth were known) about stuff in my past. There are a few people who know some of that stuff about me, but are willing to be my friends anyway. And the reality is that I have changed. I am different both in terms of values, priorities and discipline than when I was seventeen. I am glad for those who give me credit for that. It is good to give other people credit for the positive changes in their lives, too, and not base judgments on imperfect, incomplete and false second hand reports. We are probably missing the bigger point altogether anyway.

Betty Blonde #353 – 11/23/2009
Betty Blonde #353
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