You might have noticed by now that I have changed the blog theme. I really did not want to do it, but someone was able to replace some of our blog links with some pretty unsavory stuff. I do not have a new header image yet, but it was about time for something new anyway. I hope to get to that soon. I have wondered whether I should keep blogging now that the kids have graduated and left home. Sometimes I struggle to find something meaningful about which to write, but sometimes I feel pretty inspired. I am playing it by ear right now, but it is just part of my daily routine now, so my sense is that I will just keep going.

On another note, a blogging buddy has asked me to submit something on our homeschool for an upcoming e-book they will publish. I have decided that would be pretty fun, so I am going to do it. I will keep you posted on that as it moves forward.

Betty Blonde #321 – 10/08/2009
Betty Blonde #321
here or on the image to see full size strip.