Lorena's community gardenTo my way of thinking, one of the great benefits of living in a studio apartment in the city is to NOT have a garden or any gardening duties. I should have known Lorena would find a work-around. The first thing she did was put up a flower box on what passes for a balcony in our apartment. When she went down to the city offices for some moving in thing, she found that the City of Wilsonville Parks department rented garden plots for $22 per season that included tilling and water. She signed up on the spot and they called her day before yesterday. She will start planting early next week. I have this eerie feeling I am going to get sucked into the weeding/watering vortex sometime very soon.

Update: Amazing–This is the 299th Betty Blonde comic strip from 9/9/09.

Betty Blonde #299 – 09/09/2009
Betty Blonde #299
here or on the image to see full size strip.