Christian eating breakfast at IHOP in Garner with Lorena after a day of moving in March 2015It might be at least partially because I am listening to Kelly’s really excellent Enya channel on Pandora, but there are lots of additional reasons to feel melancholy and nostalgia. We just received two very touching emails about some dear friends in their very last days on this earth. The are the same era as Grandpa Milo and Grandma Sarah. They have been good and faithful people all their lives so there is joy in this, too, but we are hearing this kind of news way to often these days. It is hard to lose those who have been an example and an encouragement in all the right ways over the entire course of my life.

Lorena sent me a series of pictures of the empty rooms of what was our home for the last seven years. I am going to put those images and write about each one of them a little. I realize it is an act of selfishness, but I just want to get some notes down for the record. Lorena took the picture in this post at the IHOP near our house the day Christian flew from North Carolina back to Arizona. We ate many Saturday breakfasts there before heading over to the Hunt or Hill libraries to study. It is fitting that Christian and Lorena had one more chance to do that before they left.

Betty Blonde #277 – 08/10/2009
Betty Blonde #277
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