Christian went through graduation last fall, but was required to take a summer class to finish his Mathematics Honors requirements. He did that and so his final NCSU transcript is now complete. Here is his Honors certificate along with a nice medal that came with it. His official diploma will arrive in the mail sometime before early October. In addition to the Honors designation, his transcripts and, eventually, his diploma show that he graduates Summa Cum Laude. His first technical project for his PhD started this week and classes start next week, so he really is diving into higher academic life. Probably the best sign of that was the big chunk of fees they unexpectedly took out of his first scholarship check. It that is not academia, I do not know what is.
Betty Blonde #153 – 02/16/2009
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Congrats to Christian for graduating with Honors! It takes dedication to earn high marks in college. And oh, sorry about the unexpected chunk of fees. UGH! We are looking at $77,000 for Emma’s Doctor of Physical Therapy tuition….and that’s at a CSU, not at a Univ of California, which is roughly twice that for the 3 year program…including summers. Over $8,000/semester for 9 semesters! We are, however, hoping that her tuition will be waived because her dad is a disabled vet. We are so thankful for that and know it is a blessing.
Congratulations on the acceptance to the P.T. program! That is a big deal and will pay for itself fast! We hope she gets the waiver. All the best with your program.