"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: December 12, 2013

A gift for Lorena from the CEO

My company has had me on the road for about 2½ weeks per month for the last year.  It is very gratifying work with a great bunch of people, but it is hard to be away from the family so much.  That should change in the next few months and we hope to move back out west sometime this spring or summer, but in the mean time, the company CEO was kind enough to send Lorena some flowers to thank her for putting up with my absence.
Lorena's flowers from my boss

Big Data, Quantum Computing breakthrough

Day 843 of 1000
Betty Blonde #22 – 08/15/2008
Betty Blonde #22
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IBM made a big breakthrough that could have a big impact on the cost and performance of “Big Data” systems.  The breakthrough has to do with something called Quantum Computing that allows for much faster processing than with certain classes of problems.  Big Data is an area where Kelly and Christian will probably both work.  The breakthrough is the ability to demonstrate Bose-Einstein Condensation at room temperature.  I am sure we are quite a ways from use of the techonology in the wild, but it will make Statisticians with Big Data skills more employable before too long.

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