Day 689 of 1000

Kelly and I have been having a fairly interesting text conversation about how to interact with people from work and school.  As the youngest person or the only female in a group, it is pretty disgusted when people use bad language and/or make off-color comments.  I have a theory about that.  If someone is willing to do or say something disgusting in a group setting, I think they are fair game and pretty much go for the throat on them, usually in a loud voice.  Some of you might have even seen me do it.

Invariably, the response is something like, “Hey, I was just fooling around,  It’s no big deal.”

Well, to some of us, it is.  Why anyone would say or do things at the expense of others is beyond my understanding and there should be a price to pay as close to the time of offense as possible.  I am not talking about one or two accidental innuendos either–everyone knows when this is actually going on.  The sad part is that, when it happens, sometimes others try to get in on the fun.  When that happens, it is time to just leave.