Kelly and her team working at the Datafest competitionSome of Kelly’s Chinese friends invited her to participate on their team in the intercollegiate statistical competition called Datafest. Kelly jumped at the chance. They are having a great time. Most of the teams tried to give themselves edgy names like Regression Session and I Regress, but Kelly’s team has, by far the best name, LoveData, picked by the Chinese girls. They asked her if it was OK and, of course, she told them it was fabulous.

She has two really big tests coming up next week.  In fact, both the NCSU teams have big tests, so they are ping-ponging back and forth between studying for the tests and working on the competition.  The other NCSU has all seniors and one junior.  Kelly’s team only has one senior, but he is not a statistics major.  He is kind of a ringer though because he has serious SAS skills, so LoveData is quite a bit of an underdog, but could surprise some people.

The other really big thing about this competition is that all the competitors get FREE FOOD all weekend long.  And I thought Kelly was in it for her love of statistics!