"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Ridiculous bumper sticker

I saw one of the most ridiculous bumper stickers I have ever seen on the way into work this morning.  It said, “Well-behaved women rarely make history.”  My thoughts immediately went to Mary the mother of Jesus, Florence Nightingale, and Mother Theresa.  The statement does not apply to men either.  I think well-behaved people are the only ones who make any kind of history worth making.  I suppose it depends on to whom one conforms their behavior.  If the conformance is not to God, it is bad behavior.  I looked up the author of the quote.  The “scholar” who made the quote is a Harvard History professor who characterizes herself as an active feminist and Mormon.  It follows.


Back at the Marriott, but with Elite status


Fun at Starbucks


  1. I’ve seen that quote before, and your point is well made [smile]. But I’m not following how Mormonism applies to this. My wife and I have spent tons of time chatting with Mormon missionaries when they swing by our house, but I’m not seeing that connection. Thanks!


  2. Dad

    The Harvard professor feminism and progressive historical and political positions were sufficient misbehavior for the professor to have an invitation to a speech vetoed at BYU. Her brand of feminism does not really really seem to fit very well with her Mormonism. I guess that was the point.

    Having lived and worked in Mormon majority parts of the world, I am pretty extremely wary of both Mormon culture and Mormon religion, but the way most of them live their lives, support their communities, and avoid misbehavior (Harry Reid not withstanding) is often exemplary.

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