Day 554 of 1000

I worked from home yesterday hacking, sneezing, and wheezing.  Lorena and Kelly are past the worst of it, but Christian and I are still pretty pathetic.  The bad part of the timing of these colds is that they came right in the middle of the toughest semester the kids will have to endure in their time at NCSU.  There are mid-terms, papers, quizzes and all kinds of other work stacking up along with piles of used Kleenex, discarded teacups, lozenge wrappers, and other flotsam and jetsam.  My work is kind of the same way although I do not have the same time pressures as the kids right now–that will come later.  So we are just hanging in there trying to concentrate as best we can with stuffy heads, scratchy throats, and sniffley noses.