"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Sports and attitudes

Day 520 of 1000

Every now and then, less frequently than when we were in our homeschool years, some feel the need to tell us our kids need to be exposed to more and it is time for them to get out on their own.  All this in spite of the fact that they have traveled extensively on their own, been in college for three years, are regularly out of the country, have held jobs both for pay and as volunteers, played sports and music, and have a wide group of friends, literally around the world.  They are about a year and a half from moving three thousand miles away from home to go to graduate school yet many believe they are somehow sheltered and need to spend more time away from the family.

If I sound frustrated, I am.  Even though Kelly and Christian have done all this, they are still only 17 and 18 years old  They are getting killed this semester due to the difficulty of their current class load, probably the hardest they will face in their entire college career, both graduate and undergraduate..  I guess because they are in college, it is easy to believe they should be more independent although all their same age peers are still in high school and have parents that are trying to maintain a sense of family cohesiveness.  I have to spend two weeks in each of the next four or five months in Arizona and want to spend every minute possible with the family during this last litte while they live at home, so the last thing any of us want is to be apart when the time we have together is so limited.

It might be easier to understand if we had any confidence that the people who give such advice had any evidence in their own lives that such type of parental behavior is in any way beneficial.  But, based on what we know, we do not have that confidence.


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A famous pop-culture guy on the NC State campus


  1. Hunter

    What Kelly and Christian have accomplished is incredible and an inspiration to the rest of us youngsters!

  2. Dad

    Thanks Hunter. It is very kind of you to say that. We are big fans of your huge, successful leap into a new and more challenging world this school year, too!

  3. Jon

    Big kudos and dittos to what Hunter says. Your post reminds me Ken of that verse that says, By your fruits shall ye know them. Evidence, fruit, results speak louder than any advice we or anyone else could give. And by the way, the LAST thing anybody on this planet needs is more exposure to this poor old world!! Keep up the good work, you 4!

  4. Dad

    Thanks Jon. I guess I needed a little pep-talk this morning. I am old enough now this stuff should not bother me and it generally does not. It just seems like people should know better, especially those in positions of spiritual authority, but I know when I have those kind of expectations, it is MY fault, not theirs. I just have to be a little more spiritual myself and I won’t even notice this stuff happening.

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