Day 507 of 1000

Lorena and I had the following IM discussion abour her Western Civilization class this morning:

10:14 AM Lorena: Si asi es! No vale la pena. Tenemos que aguantar y tengo que cumplir con la clase. Voy a leer tu blog ahorita. Que significa la plabra final pata ti? El maestro de historia empezo con esa pregunta para la clase? What does the word end means to you?
10:16 AM me: final?
10:20 AM Lorena: Asi es. Yo pense es el final de las existencias de cosas. Hace puras preguntas intrigosa. Y muchos guercos dan sus opiniones muy fuertes! -algo simple lo complican mucho
10:24 AM me: Hmmm…. Sueno como alguien que quiero ser profundo sin ser profundo.
10:27 AM Lorena: , 🙂 si asi es. Pero no esta tan mal por lo pronto vamos a ver mas adelante. Lei tu blog. Entiendo tu situacion.


For those who don’t read Spanish, the gist of the conversation is that Lorena’s Community College professor asked the class what the word “the end” meant to them, personally.

The class was silent, so Lorena said, “When every thing ends.”

The professor said, “What do you mean by that?”

Lorena said, “Everything.”

The professor said, “What do you mean by that?  Material things? What?”

Lorena said, “Everything.”

The other kids started piping in.



Only in college could a conversation like that be a semi-regular event.  The funny deal is that I miss those kinds of conversation.  As a Christian, I think of what “the end” means.  I suppose that one meaning for “the end” is when the earth is destroyed and time is no more, but really, that is just another beginning, because the ig stuff is eternal.