Christian’s cat, Rubix hates everyone in the family except Christian. Lorena especially annoys here by trying to give her tight hugs all the time. She is amazingly dedicated to Christian–almost like a dog. She comes and sits on his lap, computer, book, or anything Christian is using so she can just be with him. She has been the dominant cat in the Rubix-Kiwi nexus, but that has been changing lately. Somehow, when we switched from dry cat food to canned cat food Rubix got dramatically more passive and Kiwi got dramatically more interested in getting fed.
At first we thought it was because she was not getting enough to eat, but she is definitely not losing any weight, so now we think it is because she really, REALLY likes the canned cat food. We made the switch because the vet said we should. We hope it is helping Rubix lose weight, but for her, it is too early to tell. We read up on the behavior and found that dominance can change in these kinds of cases, The funny deal is that even though Rubix is less dominant, Kiwi does not seem to have gotten more dominant–just annoying when she comes to meow for cat food at 5:30 every morning. It has gotten bad enough that Lorena has put a spray bottle filled with water beside our bed. Cats and Mexican wives make for lots of drama in the household.
Andrew Brown
I’m betting the fan and vent for the laptop are on the same side as where that cat is sitting…
That would be a VERY good bet. I am amazed, though, how cool that computer runs.