Day 160 of 1000
On Monday and Tuesday last week I drove from Raleigh to Charlotte and back. On Wednesday I drove from Raleigh to Wilmington, NC to Elizabethtown, NC, and back to Ralieigh. On Thursday, the biggest day, I drove from Raleigh to Roanoke, VA to Blacksburg, VA, and back to Raliegh. I drove over 1500 miles, visited five customers, and spent my customary two days in the home office. The driving got a little tedious, but I really enjoyed it. I found out that Roanoke, VA is a beautiful city–at least it was beautiful the day I was there. I think I am only going to have to drive this much for a month or two longer. Then I will back off to a couple of trips per month. That will be just about right.
I am not much of a “work at home” guy. That I can get out of the house two to four days per week is a big deal for me. When I go to the reduced travel schedule, I might work over at the library of one of our local colleges. I like to have a little movement and noise around me when I work. The last time we were in the Holly Springs Community Library, I found they no longer allow the drinking of coffee in the stacks. Bad news. We probably won’t go back. The Cameron Village Library is still good with us coffee drinking readers, so that is still an option.
Oh my, getting out of the house is huge! One reason I take mental health walk-throughs at Goodwill. I know it sounds crazy, but being home, keeping house, working at home…it can drive a person crazy! Your travel sounds fun!