Day 150 of 1000

A good buddy of mine who was hugely influential in my loving Mexico and Spanish so much is thinking about blogging about a big trip.  That is a FABULOUS idea.  It is especially fabulous right now because the webhosting service, Christian uses for his new stellar blog has a special going:  $3.97 per month for a year. is also hosted there.  It is a great way to keep track of a lot of things like trips and special events or to talk about your hobby, work, or family, but I find it helps me to be more thoughtful by forcing me to consider something to write every day.  I try to write well and write fast at the same time.  It is kind of like my latest weightloss stunt–if I I want to hold my feet to the fire, a good way to do that is to do it in front of everyone.

Sometimes when I am angry, frustrated, or tired, I sit down to write about it, blast out something mean-spirited and hurtful, read what I wrote, then start over because I am ashamed.  I am almost always more ashamed for my thoughts and bad spirit than I am for the fact that someone might read what I am writing.  That makes me step back, choose to have a better spirit, and write something that edifies.  It also helps me focus my thoughts and make decisions about what to do next.  Over time, it has helped me not to dive into things without considering them a little more carefully because I have taken the time to write stuff down in a structured way.

Mostly I write this blog for me and to have a record our family and friends will enjoy later, but it is very, very cool when other people join the fray.  I have friends I have never met face to face.  I am astonished that some people are so much more thoughtful than I had anticipated and I am ashamed about that, too!

See, shaming myself into losing weight might be a good strategy for me.