Day 156 of 1000
Imitating The Other McCain, I find myself blogging from a McDonalds this morning. I am on my way to Wilmington for a two hour visit for business. On the way, there was a radio report about a study that shows that the use of Facebook is an indicator of low self esteem. I believe it. It says that people look at all the fun happy stuff people put up on Facebook–parties, dinners, sports events, etc.–and believe their own lives do not measure up. The reality is that most people only put up the good stuff. It is pretty easy to see some of the posers who put up their daily pictures of their “beautiful” lives, doing crossfit, going on “girl’s nights out”, talking about what they “deserve” as actualized women, Still, even the best of us only wants to show the good stuff.
The thing that is great about Facebook is the ability to stay in touch with friends with whom it would be difficult to have frequent contact in any other way. I love to hear grandparents brag about their grandkids, people who put up significant events like graduations and birthdays, deaths, sicknesses. I really enjoy people who put up interesting things that like observations on pop culture or their football team. That being said, narcissim and the me culture are magnified on Facebook.
For sure!! I’ve “unsubscribed” from several whose comments are way off the wall or self-glorifying. It’s not what I’m in there for. FB is like fire, water, et al: If kept under control, they can be very good, and even helpful. But out of control/proportion…
I think it is GREAT that you are on FB, Jon. We actually have used you (and Uncle Laurin) as examples of great ways to encourage people on Facebook!
I have such a love-hate relationship with sites like Facebook, as you already know.