"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: December 3, 2011

Dead week at Wake Tech

Christian dead weekIt is dead week at Wake Technical Community College.  The winter fine arts performance is over.  There is only one mid-term left (multivariable calculus).  No more papers.  No more quizzes.  Nothing but study, study, study.  The effort expended this week separates the A’s from the B’s, the B’s from the C’s, the C’s from the D’s, and the D’s from the F’s.  These pictures represent what our household willbe like for the next week and a half.  Study, study, study with an occasional break to go to a review class, to eat, or to get a short workout.  Normally, it is just Kelly, but this semester Lorena is in on the fun.  Study, study, study.  It is worth it.

Kelly dead weekLorena dead week

Does anyone notice anything suspicious about this image

Day 103 of 1000

Lorena put some decorations on the dollhouse and got a little unsolicited “help”.
Rubix in the dollhouse

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