Day 93 of 1000

My plan was to take some pictures of our visitors–Grandpa Milo, Grandma Sarah, and our dear friend Gladys–and post them here on the blog last night.  Grandpa Milo lost his luggage (it came to the house later that evening), we came home through heavy traffic, ate Lorena’s amazing Kung Pao Chicken for dinner, went to Gospel meeting, ate some chocolate chip cookies, and talked until midnight.  None of that should have prevented me from posting a few pictures, but everything was SO interesting and we were enjoying ourselves SO much, it just slipped my mind.  I will try to do better tonight.

It is GREAT to have them here.  I have decided that we really need to buy a mini-van for these kinds of visits.  Our total automobile capacity right now is eight people and that is just not enough.