Day 99 of 1000
The following is the transcript of Kelly’s texting from today’s class. It speaks for itself.

in communism, ALL ppl who work a socially useful job get whatever they need whenever they need it
mantra switches from “me, me, me, s***w you” to “US”
we are above the fray
8:58 AM

it’s a beautiful thought but should’nt we be free to choose whether we want to be selfish or sharing?
from the Marxist perspective there is no human nature

Exactly. You are forced into stuff. I work with my Russian buddies and they HATE communism.
9:02 AM

how are you going to change human nature? it’s very unlikely that you’re going to change you’re forcing everyone to subscribe to the same view… under capitalism you have the freedom to choose to be selfish or sharing
in capitalism you’re rewarded for being greedy. socialism is different
9:04 AM

this guy thinks he’s so smartttt

They kill people off.

how are you going to remove human nature from this equation?
9:07 AM

the only ppl who are going to go to med school are the ones who want to help other people, not the ones who make money. socialism rewards people for making the right decisions
9:09 AM

two things: who decides what’s right and what gets rewarded under socialism and how can you depend on the good of people if you know that people are so greedy? human nature is impossible to remove

these kids are getting brainwashed