"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: May 4, 2011

This is the press release on the stuff I am doing for my day job

For anyone who is interested, click here.

Progress on BleAx

The kids are in finals right now.  It is pretty rough this time because both of them have a much bigger load than last semester.  They both have their last final, Calculus II, tomorrow afternoon.  I have promised Kelly that I will have the BleAx (comic aggregation and publishing) program ready for her when she finishes the semester.  I am almost there.  Really, we can start aggregating and publishing now, but there are some finishing touches that are not quite complete.  This time, I am going to release the program for broader use.  Yesterday, I finished the first pass of the documentation for the program.  BleAx now has its own webpage here.  You can see the documentation I put up here.  I hope to have the program up for general download by the end of the coming weekend.

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