We have a hard and fast rule in our household that was not really necessary until Kelly turned 10 or 11 years old. The rule is there will be no Christmas music until after Thanksgiving. Many of you will understand. The rest will think I am evil. At any rate, I found a video that, while not breaking the rule, is very border line. I loved it.
Opera Company of Philadelphia “Hallelujah!” Random Act of Culture
Awesome! Just awesome! I love this flash mob type stuff. I wonder what it did for sales in the stores that day. Thanks so much for sharing and bringing a smile to my face!
p.s. It’s not too early for something awesome like this.
Yeah, I thought I might get away with it on the awesomeness clause. I think that overrules the Christmas rules. (Kelly–I am the arbiter of awesomeness in our household–just because it is a Christmas tune does not automatically mean it passes the awesomeness clause).
Ooohhh! That brought on goosebumps! Would have been very cool to be amongst the crowd for sure!
EXACTLY, Jeannie!!! I had the exact same experience when I watched it. Very, very cool.
Troy & Youngin
I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve always loved the Hallelujah chorus, and went annually to hear it for awhile. This particular rendition is awesome and uplifting, mostly to see just random shoppers appreciate it! Can you imagine all those singers in one location??!! I would have loved to have been there. And Ken, the Hallelujah chorus is totally LEGIT pre-Thanksgiving, since it’s simply Bible verses put to music! Thanks for posting.
That was soooo cool! I would have loved to have been one of the singers! … but being in the audience would have been a close 2nd. Thanks for sharing!
Scrooge!(mouth agape)
My daddy sent me this video – I love these types of videos, and this one in particular. Kelly, I think you can go ahead and blast the Christmas music, your Dad opened the door wide! He definitely did break the rule.
I too think it would have been uniquely amazing to have been at the mall when this happened Jeanie. The unexpectedness of the thing is part of what made it so cool!
Hey, I resemble that remark Ruthie! You are creating extreme discontent amongst the ranks! We are going on a six hour drive before Thanksgiving and I am probably going to have to buy Kelly a new pair of headphones so we can have some peace and quiet. The problem is she says it is not the same unless EVERYONE is listening!
I have never been to a performance of Handel’s Messiah. We really DO have to go. I have heard they have sing-a-long versions. Any advise on which to choose? Troy or Youngin? I assume it is Youngin because I do not think Troy ever made it off the farm to civilization during his early years!
Love it, love it, love it!! Thanks to Thomas’s late mother, we have several versions of Handel’s Messiah on albums. Love to get them out and listen to them. Thanks so much for sharing!
Thanks Lynn! I remember the first time I heard it in about the third grade. The teacher (Miss Rohr from North Carolina–we lived in Cottage Grove, Oregon at the time) explained it and we all stood up during the chorus. It was awesome. I would have loved it even if I wasn’t in love with Miss Rohr!
Believe it or not, Troy once took me to Handel’s Messiah by the NC Master Chorale at the Raleigh Meymandi Concert Hall when we were dating. I got him to promise that we would hear the Messiah every year but that hasn’t happened since we’re married. Hmmm… I only realized that NOW! Anyway, I checked the NC Master Chorale website and they are not doing it this year. Rather they are doing a holiday concert, which sounds interesting. There is a Handel’s Messiah Rocks that is coming to Raleigh this Saturday that is supposed to be some blend of classical music with classical rock. Not sure what that would be like. The best Messiah I’ve ever heard was a candlelit rendition in at the huge St. Basil’s church in Chicago — AWESOME! Maybe there’s a local church around here that will do the Messiah, even a sing-a-long. I’ll keep looking…
Hey, keep us posted on this. We want in! We would bring along a 16 year old girl that would help hold Lucia! The rock thing sounds VERY interesting. It might even keep Troy on track a little better!
Way cool – makes me cry! Would have been WONDERFUL to have been there to listen and sing along.
That was exactly my take on this thing, too, Kim. I would almost like to lobby some big chorale group here to do it, just so I could go here it live.